Taiwan Grant Application


1. The National Foundation for Culture and Art

財團法人國家文化藝術基金會(以下簡稱本基金會於民國八十五年一月,依據「國家文化藝術基金會設置條例」成立,是以營造有利於文化藝術工作之展演環境、獎勵文化藝術 事業、提升藝文水準為宗旨的非營利組織。

The National Culture and Art Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation) was established in January 85 of the Republic of China in accordance with the Regulations on the Establishment of the National Culture and Art Foundation, and is a non-profit organization with the purpose of creating an environment conducive to the exhibition and performance of cultural and artistic work, rewarding cultural and artistic undertakings, and improving the level of art and culture.

本基金會的基金來自政府與民間,除主管機關編列預算捐助外,更透過各項募款活動,匯集社會各界的資源,共同推動文化藝 術的發展。

The Foundation's funds come from the government and the private sector, and in addition to the budget donations prepared by the competent authorities, the Foundation also pools resources from all walks of life through various fundraising activities to jointly promote the development of culture and art.

本基金會設有董事會與監事會,董事會負責基金會業務方針之核定及基金之保管運用;監事會則負責稽核並監督基金會之財務 狀況。

The Foundation has a Board of Directors and a Board of Supervisors, which is responsible for the approval of the Foundation's business policies and the custody and use of the Fund. The Board of Supervisors is responsible for auditing and supervising the financial status of the Foundation.



Auxiliary Purposes

本基金會之補助,是依循本基金會宗旨,其目的是運用公共資源,催 生民間活力, 營造有利於文化藝術工作均衡發展之環境,並維護各族群特有文化藝術及國家語言之傳承與發展。

The subsidy of the Foundation is in accordance with the purpose of the Foundation, which aims to use public resources to promote the vitality of the people, create an environment conducive to the balanced development of cultural and artistic work, and maintain the inheritance and development of the unique culture and art of each ethnic group and the national language.


補 助重點包括:

Priority areas include:


1. Forward-looking or breakthrough artistic and cultural creations.

二、文化藝術之專業講習與調查研究。 三、擴展國際交流之文化藝術工作。

2. Professional lectures and research on culture and art. 3. Expand cultural and artistic work for international exchanges.


4. Stability, sustainability and improvement of the operation of art and cultural groups.




1. Eligibility

一、經營或從事文化藝術事業且具有中華民國國籍之自然人、持永久居留證之外籍人士或經中華民國政府立案之私法人、機構 或團體可提出申請。但下列對象不受理申請:

(1) Natural persons with Taiwanese nationality, foreigners holding permanent residence permits, or private legal persons, institutions or organizations registered by the Government of the Republic of China who are engaged in cultural and artistic undertakings may apply. However, applications will not be accepted for the following applications:

  1. 各 級政府機關(構及 其所(附屬單位或以其為主要股東/捐助人之組織。

    Government agencies (institutions) at all levels and their subordinate units (attached) or organizations with which they are major shareholders/donors.

  2. 各政黨及其所(附)屬單位或以其為主要股東/ 捐助人之組織。

    Political parties and their (attached) subordinate units or organizations in which they are major shareholders/donors.

  3. 各級公私立學校及其所(附)屬單位。

    Public and private schools at all levels and their subordinate units.

  4. 為學位而進行之計畫。

    Programs for the degree.

以上但書,不因申請案核定補助、撥款、結案等條件限制,若察有不符規定, 且經明確舉證者,本基金會均保有撤案且追繳部份或全部補助款之權利。

The above proviso is not limited by the conditions of the approval of the subsidy, appropriation, closure of the case, etc., and if there is any non-compliance with the provisions and the evidence is clearly adduced, the Foundation reserves the right to withdraw the case and recover part or all of the subsidy.


2. The activity plans (including co-organizing, planning and undertaking) organized by the above-mentioned non-subsidy recipients shall not be submitted for application in the name of individuals or other organizations; This article stipulates that if the project subsidy measures are otherwise stipulated, those provisions shall prevail.

三、 為使有限的藝文資源妥善分配,同一計畫若同時獲得本基金會與「文化部或所

3. In order to properly allocate the limited art and cultural resources, if the same project is approved by the Foundation and the Ministry of Culture or the Institute

(附屬 單位」補助,獲補助者應即告知本基金會,並就本基金會及文化部或所屬單位擇一接受補助款。獲選財團法人公共電視文化事業基金會委託製作的拍攝計畫,或為 「學校單位出品」之計畫,本基金會不予補助。

(attached) subordinate units", the recipient of the subsidy shall immediately inform the Foundation, and choose one of the Foundation, the Ministry of Culture or its affiliated units to receive the subsidy. The Foundation will not subsidize the production of projects commissioned by the Public Television Culture Foundation, or projects that are "produced by school units".


4. Applicants for groups must attach a copy of the certificate of filing or registration; Individual applicants are required to attach a photocopy of the front and back of their identity card or permanent residence permit.

五、申請者應為計畫執行人。本基金會得視計畫性質,規定以個人或團體名義申請。六、申請計畫內容必須與文化藝術範圍及 其事務相關,並符合本基金會補助類別及

5. The applicant shall be the executor of the plan. Depending on the nature of the plan, the Foundation may apply in the name of an individual or a group. 6. The content of the application plan must be related to the scope of culture and art and its affairs, and meet the scope of the Foundation's subsidy




7. For the restrictions and eligibility of individual or group applications, please refer to the subsidy programs and related regulations.