

@ 51570 癌症


癌症 PDF

A:   曉冉,早!

Xiǎorǎn, zǎo!

Xiaoran, good morning!

B:   早!



A:   哎,你怎麼了?看你一臉凝重的。昨晚兩口子鬧彆扭了?

āi, nǐ zěnmele? kàn nǐ yī liǎn níngzhòng de. zuówǎn liǎngkǒuzi nào bièniu le?

Hey, what's wrong with you? You look so serious. Did you get into a fight with your husband last night?

B:   鬧什麼彆扭啊!人生無常,能平平安安地活著就夠幸運了!

nào shénme bièniu a! rénshēng wúcháng, néng píngpíng 'ān'ān de huó zhe jiù gòu xìngyùn le!

Why would I get into a fight? You never know what's going to happen. If I can just live a peaceful and quiet life, that's good enough for me!

A:   你怎麼講這麼悲觀的話?

nǐ zěnme jiǎng zhème bēiguān de huà?

What's up with the pessimism?

B:   我剛才在電梯裡碰到李傑了,他說他們部門的徐力得了肝癌。

wǒ gāngcái zài diàntī lǐ pèngdào Lǐ Jié le, tā shuō tāmen bùmén de Xú Lì dé le gān'ái.

I just ran into Li Jie in the elevator. He said Xu Li from their department has liver cancer.

A:   啊?他才多大,怎麼會得這種病?

ǎ? tā cái duōdà, zénme huì dé zhèzhǒng bìng?

Huh? How old is he? How could he get this kind of disease?

B:   他和我是同一年進公司的。前兩天碰到他的時候,他還很熱情地跟我打招呼,還說等升了職就請我吃飯。沒想到一轉眼他竟得了這種病。他還那麼年輕,他還有很多夢想等待去實現,現在就......哎!老天真是太不公平了!

tā hé wǒ shì tóng yī nián jìn gōngsī de. qiánliǎngtiān pèngdào tā de shíhou, tā hái hěn rèqíng de gēn wǒ dǎ zhāohu, hái shuō děng shēng le zhí jiù qǐng wǒ chīfàn. méixiǎngdào yīzhuǎnyǎn tā jìng dé le zhèzhǒng bìng. tā hái nàme niánqīng, tā háiyǒu hěn duō mèngxiǎng děngdài qù shíxiàn, xiànzài jiù...... āi! lǎotiān zhēn shì tài bù gōngping le!

He started working here the same year I did. When I've run into him these last few days he's still been so friendly - saying hello and even that he wants to take me out to eat once he gets promoted. I never would have thought that he could just suddenly have cancer like this. He's still so young. He still has so many dreams waiting to be fulfilled, and now...agh! God is so unfair!

A:   哎!這種病已經越來越年輕化了。各種各樣的環境汙染,工作壓力大,生活作息不規律等因素都對健康造成了極大的危害。前兩天我看一篇報道上說,現在白血病的發病率逐年上升,其中一半的患者是兒童。那麼一丁點兒大的人,卻要承受化療的折磨,真作孽啊!

ai! zhèzhǒng bìng yǐjīng yuèláiyuè niánqīnghuà le. gèzhǒng gèyàng de huánjìng wūrǎn, gōngzuò yālì dà, shēnghuó zuòxī bù guīlǜ děng yīnsù dōu duì jiànkāng zàochéng le jí dà de wēihài. qián liǎng tiān wǒ kàn yī piān bàodào shàng shuō, xiànzài báixuèbìng de fābìnglǜ zhúnián shàngshēng, qízhōng yībàn de huànzhě shì értóng. nàme yīdīngdiǎnr dà de rén, què yào chéngshòu huàliáo de zhémó, zhēn zuòniè a!

Agh! Cancer affects people earlier and earlier. All kinds of pollution, pressure at work, irregular schedules - all of these factors are extremely harmful to people's health. The other day I read a news report that said there are more and more cases of leukemia every year - and that half of them are children. Such young kids having to endure the pain of chemotherapy - it's just wrong!

B:   想必他們的父母心更痛吧!以前總感覺生離死別這樣悲傷的場面離自己的生活很遙遠,可是當你身邊的人面臨這樣的事的時候,真的感覺好無助好絕望。

xiǎngbì tāmen de fùmǔ xīn gèng tòng ba! yǐqián zǒng gǎnjué shēnglísǐbié zhèyàng bēishāng de chǎngmiàn lí zìjǐ de shēnghuó hěn yáoyuǎn, kěshì dāng nǐ shēnbiān de rén miànlín zhèyàng de shì de shíhou, zhēnde gǎnjué hǎo wúzhù hǎo juéwàng.

Their parents have to feel even worse! I used to think that this kind of sad, life and death stuff was so irrelevant to my own life, but when suddenly the people around you are up against such things, it really makes you feel helpless and without hope.

A:   你別太難過了。說不定他的病情沒你想的那麼嚴重。現在醫學這麼發達,只要治療得當,很多早期中期的癌症是可以治癒的。聽說國內有一種中西醫結合治療的方法很管用。哪怕到了晚期,只要患者生存意志堅定,也能戰勝病魔。

nǐ bié tài nánguò le. shuōbudìng tā de bìngqíng méi nǐ xiǎng de nàme yánzhòng. xiànzài yīxué zhème fādá, zhǐyào zhìliáo dédàng, hěn duō zǎoqī zhōngqī de áizhèng shì kěyǐ zhìyù de. tīngshuō guónèi yǒu yī zhǒng zhōngxīyī jiéhé zhìliáo de fāngfǎ hěn guǎnyòng. nǎpà dào le wǎnqī, zhǐyào huànzhě shēngcún yìzhì jiāndìng, yě néng zhànshèng bìngmó.

Don't feel so bad. You never know, maybe it's not that serious. Medical science is so advanced these days, if it can be treated properly, a lot of early-stage and mid-stage cancer can be cured. I heard there's a really effective treatment in China that combines traditional Chinese and Western medicine. Even if it gets to the later stages, as long as the patient has a strong will to survive, they can still beat such a serious disease.

B:   嗯,我今晚去醫院看看他。希望他能堅強,希望會有奇蹟發生。

ng4, wǒ jīnwǎn qù yīyuàn kàn kan tā. xīwàng tā néng jiānqiáng, xīwàng huì yǒu qíjì fāshēng.

Yeah. I'm going to the hospital to see him tonight. I hope he can stay strong. I hope there's a miracle.

A:   我們多幫他祈禱祈禱吧!

wǒmen duō bāng tā qídǎo qídǎo ba!

Let's pray for him!

Key Vocabulary

凝重 níngzhòng heavy, serious

鬧彆扭 nào bièniu to be at odds with one another, to quarrel

人生無常 rénshēng wúcháng 'life is changing and impermanent'

肝癌 gān'ái liver cancer

悲觀 bēiguān pessimistic

一轉眼 yīzhuǎnyǎn in the blink of an eye

年輕化 niánqīnghuà to become younger in average age

作息 zuòxī work and rest

規律 guīlǜ regular

白血病 báixuèbìng leukemia

發病率 fābìnglǜ incidence rate of a disease

逐年 zhúnián year by year

患者 huànzhě sufferer, patient

一丁點兒大 yīdīngdiǎnr dà of very little age or size

化療 huàliáo chemotherapy

折磨 zhémó torture

作孽 zuòniè to do evil

想必 xiǎngbì presumably, most likely

生離死別 shēnglísǐbié parted in life and separated in death

無助 wúzhù helpless

得當 dédàng appropriate

治癒 zhìyù to restore health, to cure

中西醫結合 zhōngxīyījiéhé combination of Chinese and Western medicine

早期 zǎoqī early-stage

中期 zhōngqī mid-stage

晚期 wǎnqī late-stage

管用 guǎnyòng effective

病魔 bìngmó serious illness

Supplementary Vocabulary

一眨眼 yīzhǎyǎn in the blink of an eye

老齡化 lǎolínghuà the aging of a society

就業率 jiùyèlǜ employment rate

失業率 shīyèlǜ rate of unemployment

上座率 shàngzuòlǜ attendance rate

擴散 kuòsàn to spread

痊癒 quányù to be completely cured

惡性腫瘤 èxìng zhǒngliú malignant tumor

惡毛病 èmáobìng serious illness


