

@ 51499 我不做剩女

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A:   親愛的,你看那邊那一對,一本正經的,肯定是在相親。

qīn ài de, nǐ kàn nàbiān nà yī duì, yīběnzhèngjīng de, kěndìng shì zài xiāngqīn.

Hey, look at that couple over there. They're so serious. They're definitely on a blind date.

B:   哎,沒想到我們80後也要靠相親解決問題。

āi, méixiǎngdào wǒmen bālíng hòu yě yào kào xiāngqīn jiějué wèntí.

Agh, I never thought us born in the 80's would need to rely on arranged dating in order to solve our problems.

A:   別排斥相親嘛!

bié páichì xiāngqīn ma!

Don't just dismiss arranged dating!

B:   有時候想為什麼非要結婚呢,單身也挺好的。

yǒushíhou xiǎng wèishénme fēiyào jiéhūn ne, dānshēn yě tǐng hǎo de.

Sometimes I wonder why we absolutely must get married. Being single isn't so bad either.

A:   你就是嘴硬。剩的就是我們這種人,渴望完美愛情,卻不知不覺一晃就成剩女了。

nǐ jiùshì zuǐyìng. shèng de jiùshì wǒmen zhèzhǒng rén, kěwàng wánměi àiqíng, què bùzhībùjué yī huǎng jiù chéng shèngnǚ le.

You're just talking tough. We're those girls that are leftover – always longing for a perfect relationship, but then, before you know it, you've become a 'leftover woman.'

B:   左一個剩女,右一個剩女的,好像我們真沒男人要了。

zuǒ yī gè shèngnǚ, yòu yī gè shèngnǚ de, hǎoxiàng wǒmen zhēn méi nánrén yào le.

Leftover woman this, leftover women that – I guess it's true that no men want us.

A:   不是沒人要,而是我們生活圈子小,每天過著兩點一線的生活,根本沒什麼機會碰到好男人。

bùshì méi rén yào, érshì wǒmen shēnghuó quānzi xiǎo, měitiān guò zhe liǎngdiǎn yīxiàn de shēnghuó, gēnběn méi shénme jīhuì pèngdào hǎo nánrén.

It's not that no one wants us, it's that our social circles are too small. We spend our lives going between home and the office and we don't have any opportunities to meet any good men.

B:   嗯。這倒是。別人以為我們挑花了眼,其實是選擇有限。

ng4. zhè dàoshì. biérén yǐwéi wǒmen tiāohuā le yǎn, qíshí shì xuǎnzé yǒuxiàn.

Yeah, that's right. Other people say it's that we're just overwhelmed with choices, but actually, our choices are limited.

A:   我們得給自己創造機會。日本不是流行婚活嗎?有不少女人嚷著要像找工作那樣用心去找老公。我覺得這種心態挺好的。

wǒmen děi gěi zìjǐ chuàngzào jīhuì. Rìběn bùshì liúxíng" hūnhuó” ma? yǒu bùshǎo nǚrén rǎng zhe yào xiàng zhǎo gōngzuò nàyàng yòngxīn qù zhǎo lǎogōng. wǒ juéde zhèzhǒng xīntài tǐng hǎo de.

We have to create opportunities for ourselves. Wasn't there a 'marriage life' trend in Japan recently? A lot of woman are talking about finding a husband with the same diligence one applies to their work. I think this is a pretty good way of thinking about things.

B:   愛情要靠緣分。像找工作一樣找老公,怎麼找?

àiqíng yào kào yuánfèn. xiàng zhǎo gōngzuò yīyàng zhǎo lǎogōng, zěnme zhǎo?

Love depends on fate. How can you look for a husband the same way you would look for a job?

A:   就是利用一切機會認識男人。要捨得為找對象花費時間和精力。老當宅女,難不成好男人會送貨上門?

jiùshì lìyòng yīqiè jīhuì rènshi nánrén. yào shěde wèi zhǎo duìxiàng huāfèi shíjiān hé jīnglì. lǎo dāng zháinǚ, nánbùchéng hǎo nánrén huì sònghuò shàngmén?

Just use every opportunity you get to meet men. You have to be willing to spend time and energy on finding a partner. Just being a homebody, do you really think a good man will land right on your doorstep?

B:   你是說我們要多去酒吧那種地方?

nǐ shì shuō wǒmen yào duō qù jiǔbā nà zhǒng dìfang?

Are you saying we should to the bar and places like that more often?

A:   誰跟你說要去酒吧找了?多參加社交活動,去旅行,去運動,到處都能碰到單身男人吧。相親也算一種途徑,參加相親節目也不錯。

shéi gēn nǐ shuō yào qù jiǔbā zhǎo le? duō cānjiā shèjiāo huódòng, qù lǚxíng, qù yùndòng, dàochù dōu néng pèngdào dānshēn nánrén ba. xiāngqīn yě suàn yīzhǒng tújìng, cānjiā xiāngqīn jiémù yě bùcuò.

Who said anything about going to the bar? Just take part it in more social activities, go traveling, play sports – you can run into single men everywhere. Arranged dating is a means as well, and dating shows aren't bad either.

B:   我看你就是紙上談兵,那怎麼也沒見你有行動?

wǒ kàn nǐ jiùshì zhǐshàngtánbīng, nà zěnme yě méi jiàn nǐ yǒu xíngdòng?

It seems to me that you're all talk and no action. How come I've never seen you do anything like this before?

A:   我這不是才開竅嗎?要想不做剩女,就得主動出擊!告訴你個祕密,我註冊了幾個婚戀網站。

wǒ zhè bùshì cái kāiqiào ma? yào xiǎng bù zuò shèngnǚ, jiù děi zhǔdòng chūjī! gàosu nǐ ge mìmì, wǒ zhùcè le jǐ ge hūnliàn wǎngzhàn.

I'm only just starting to understand all this myself. If you don't want to end up a 'leftover woman', then you have to take the initiative! Let me tell you a secret. I joined a few online dating sites.

B:   不會吧?網戀你也敢?你不怕被騙?

bùhuì ba? wǎngliàn nǐ yě gǎn? nǐ bù pà bèi piàn?

No way. You'll even try online dating? Aren't you afraid of being cheated?

A:   網戀怎麼了?那也是一種認識異性的方式。我們都快奔三了,有那麼容易被騙嗎?

wǎngliàn zěnmele? nà yě shì yīzhǒng rènshi yìxìng de fāngshì. wǒmen dōu kuài bēnsān le, yǒu nàme róngyì bèi piàn ma?

What's wrong with online dating? It's just another way of getting to know people of the opposite sex. We're pushing 30 already. Is it really that easy to get cheated?

B:   好吧,我看你什麼時候能把自己推銷出去。

hǎoba, wǒ kàn nǐ shénme shíhou néng bǎ zìjǐ tuīxiāo chūqu.

OK, I'd like to see when you'll be able to marry yourself off.

Key Vocabulary

一本正經 yīběnzhèngjīng in a serious manner

相親 xiāngqīn arranged dating

排斥 páichì to reject, to dismiss

嘴硬 zuǐyìng to talk tough

不知不覺 bùzhībùjué unconsciously

huǎng flash

剩女 shèngnǚ leftover woman

生活圈子 shēnghuó quānzi social circle

兩點一線 liǎngdiǎn yīxiàn to have one's life be entirely at work and home

挑花了眼 tiāohuā le yǎn to be overwhelmed with choices

婚活 hūnhuó 'marriage life'

嚷著 rǎng zhe to be shouting

心態 xīntài way of thinking

緣分 yuánfèn fate

宅女 zháinǚ female homebody

送貨上門 sònghuò shàngmén to deliver to one's door

社交活動 shèjiāo huódòng social activity

紙上談兵 zhǐshàngtánbīng to be all talk and no action

開竅 kāiqiào to begin to understand

出擊 chūjī to attack

註冊 zhùcè to register, to sign up for

婚戀網站 hūnliàn wǎngzhàn online dating site

網戀 wǎngliàn online dating

奔三 bēnsān to be pushing 30

推銷 tuīxiāo to promote for sale

Supplementary Vocabulary

婚活族 hūnhuózú the marriage life people

獨身主義 dúshēn zhǔyì the belief in remaining single

剩鬥士 shèngdòushì leftover warriors

必剩客 bìshèngkè Pizza Hut


