

@ 51095 學術抄襲

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A 小徐,這可不是隨便說說的。你確定嗎?

Xiǎo Xú, zhè kě bushì suíbiàn shuōshuo de. nǐ quèdìng ma?

Xiao Xu, you can't go saying this casually. Are you certain?

B 陳主任,我用人格擔保,宋教授的書大部分是抄襲的。

Chén zhǔrèn, wǒ yòng réngédānbǎo, Sòng jiàoshòu de shū dàbùfēn shì chāoxí de.

On my honor, Director Chen: most of Professor Song's book is plagiarized.

A 可你也知道,我們文科這方面的界限比較模糊。老宋在系裡和校裡都是德高望重的老前輩了,他的學術態度是公認的。

kě nǐ yě zhīdào, wǒmen wénkē zhè fāngmiàn de jièxiàn bǐjiào móhu. Lǎo Sòng zài xì li hé xiào li dōu shì dégāowàngzhòng de lǎoqiánbèi le, tā de xuéshù tàidu shì gōngrèn de.

But you know as well as I do, the limits are a little blurry for us in the humanities. In the department, and in the school as a whole, Professor Song is a well-admired and respected member of the old generation. Everyone acknowledges that his academic attitude is excellent.

B 我知道,我也尊重他。其實我也覺得宋教授沒理由抄襲。但是我幫他校對的時候,發現好多內容都是從國外的學術刊物上抄來的。

wǒ zhīdào, wǒ yě zūnzhòng tā. qíshí wǒ yě juéde Sòng jiàoshòu méi lǐyóu chāoxí. dànshì wǒ bāng tā jiàoduì de shíhou, fāxiàn hǎo duō nèiróng dōu shì cóng guówài de xuéshù kānwù shang chāolái de.

I know. And I also respect him. Actually, I also think there's no reason for Professor Song to plagiarize. But when I was helping him proof-read, I discovered that a lot of his content was lifted from foreign academic publications.

A 那會不會是引用?引用是可以的。只要他加了註釋,那完全合理合法。

nà huì bu huì shì yǐnyòng? yǐnyòng shì kěyǐ de. zhǐyào tā jiā le zhùshì, nà wánquán hélǐhéfǎ.

Could it be that he was quoting them? Quoting things is fine. As long as you add notes, it's completely reasonable and legal.

B 有一些引用他是加了註釋。但是大部分的內容都是整段整段地抄,而且沒有加任何註釋。

yǒu yīxiē yǐnyòng tā shì jiā le zhùshì. dànshì dàbùfen de nèiróng dōu shì zhěngduàn zhěngduàn de chāo, érqiě méiyǒu jiā rènhé zhùshì.

He did add notes for some quotations. But most of the material was copied paragraph-for-paragraph, without any notes at all.

A 你有證據嗎?他抄的是哪些作品?

nǐ yǒu zhèngjù ma? tā chāo de shì nǎxiē zuòpǐn?

Do you have proof? Which works did he copy?

B 沒有確鑿的證據我也不敢隨便說。主要是一些德國學者的研究著作。大多數都只有德語版本,可能是因為這樣比較不容易被發現吧。

méiyǒu quèzáo de zhèngjù wǒ yě bù gǎn suíbiàn shuō. zhǔyào shì yīxiē Déguó xuézhě de yánjiū zhùzuò. dàduōshù dōu zhǐyǒu Déyǔ bǎnběn, kěnéng shì yīnwèi zhèyàng bǐjiào bù róngyì bèi fāxiàn ba.

I wouldn't just say this if I didn't have conclusive proof. Mostly, it's some works by German scholars. Most of them are only in German-- maybe it's because this way it's not so likely he'd be discovered.

A 那你是怎麼發現的?

nà nǐ shì zěnme fāxiàn de?

Well, then, how did you discover it?

B 我懂一點德語,平時也看一些德語資料。碰巧看到過宋教授抄襲的一些內容。後來仔細一查,發現大部分都是抄的。

wǒ dǒng yīdiǎn Déyǔ, píngshí yě kàn yīxiē Déyǔ zīliào. pèngqiǎo kàndào guo Sòng jiàoshòu chāoxí de yīxiē nèiróng. hòulái zǐxì yī chá, fāxiàn dàbùfen dōu shì chāo de.

I know a little German, and I often read German materials. I just happened onto some things that Professor Song copied. Later, looking them over carefully, I found out that most of it was copied.

A 哎,這個老宋怎麼這麼糊塗呢?現在學校嚴打學術抄襲,他還頂風作案。這......這也太不值得了。

āi, zhè ge Lǎo Sòng zěnme zhème hútu ne? xiànzài xuéxiào yándǎ xuéshù chāoxí, tā hái dǐngfēngzuòàn. zhè......zhè yě tài bù zhídé le.

Agh, how could Professor Song be so confused? These days, schools are cracking down hard on academic plagiarism, and he still did this so blatantly. This...this...really isn't worth it!

B 陳主任,我覺得這不是頂風作案的問題。不管有沒有人查,都絕對不能抄襲。這是為人師表的最起碼要求。

Chén zhǔrèn, wǒ juéde zhè bùshì dǐngfēngzuò àn de wèntí. bùguǎn yǒu méiyǒu rén chá, dōu juéduì bùnéng chāoxí. zhè shì wéirénshībiǎo de zuì qǐmǎ yāoqiú.

Director Chen, I don't think this is a problem of blatant wrong-doing. Whether or not anybody investigates, you absolutely cannot plagiarize. This is the most basic requirement of being a respectable teacher.

A 但是時代不一樣了。搜索、引用,這些已經是家常便飯了。不是老有人說"知識共享、開放平臺"嗎?

dànshì shídài bù yīyàng le. sōusuǒ, yǐnyòng, zhèxiē yǐjīng shì jiāchángbiànfàn le. bùshì lǎo yǒurén shuō"zhīshi gòngxiǎng, kāifàng píngtái"ma?

But times are different now. Searching, quoting-- these days, this stuff is nothing special. Aren't people always saying ``Share knowledge, open up the platforms [for exchange]?"

B 那你的意思是抄襲沒錯?

nà nǐ de yìsi shì chāoxí méicuò?

So you mean there's nothing wrong with plagiarism?

A 當然不是。這樣吧,你回去後準備好證據,我好向校領導反映。

dāngrán bùshì. zhèyàng ba, nǐ huíqu hòu zhǔnbèi hǎo zhèngjù, wǒ hǎo xiàng xiào lǐngdǎo fǎnyìng.

Of course that's not what I mean. How about this: get the proof ready after you go back, which will make it easy for me to get the school leaders' reactions.

B 好的,只能這樣了。

hǎo de, zhǐnéng zhèyàng le.

OK. It's all we can do.

Key Vocabulary

人格 réngé character

擔保 dānbǎo guarantee

抄襲 chāoxí to plagiarize

德高望重 dégāowàngzhòng to have character and fame

公認 gōngrèn to be publicly recognized as

校對 jiàoduì to proof-read

刊物 kānwù publication

引用 yǐnyòng to quote

註釋 zhùshì annotation

確鑿 quèzáo conclusive

嚴打 yándǎ to crack down on

頂風作案 dǐngfēngzuò àn to blatantly commit an offense

為人師表 wéirénshībiǎo to be worthy to be called a teacher

起碼 qǐmǎ minimum

家常便飯 jiāchángbiànfàn not unusual

Supplementary Vocabulary

剽竊 piāoqiè to plagiarize

著作權 zhùzuòquán copyright

學術腐敗 xuéshù fǔbài academic corruption

科研壓力 kēyán yālì pressure to do scientific research

反抄襲軟件 fǎnchāoxíruǎnjiàn anti-plagiarism software

約束 yuēshù control

自律 zìlǜ autonomy


