

@ 50967 日本人的起源

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A 說實話,日本的電子產品還真不錯!

shuō shíhuà, rìběn de diànzǐ chǎnpǐn hái zhēn bùcuò!

To tell you the truth, Japanese-made consumer electronics are pretty good!

B 哎,有什麼了不起!小日本的智慧還不是來自我們中國人!

āi, yǒu shénme liǎobuqǐ! xiǎo rìběn de zhìhuì hái bù shì láizì wǒmen zhōngguórén!

Egh? What's so great about them? Petty little Japan's wisdom originally came from us, the Chinese people!

A 這話怎麼說?

zhè huà zěnme shuō?

What are you talking about?

B 我是說我們中國人是日本人的老祖宗!

wǒ shì shuō wǒmen zhōngguórén shì rìběnrén de lǎo zǔzōng!

I'm saying that we Chinese are the ancestors of the Japanese!

A 什麼什麼呀!亂講!

shénme shénme yā! luàn jiǎng!

Huh? That's crazy!

B 你沒聽說過"徐福東渡"嗎?就是秦始皇讓徐福帶著三千童男童女去找長生不老藥,後來他們就定居日本了,徐福他們就是日本人的祖先!

nǐ méi tīngshuō guo `` Xú Fú dōngdù" ma? jiùshì Qínshǐ huáng ràng Xú Fú dài zhe sānqiān tóngnántóngnǚ qù zhǎo chángshēngbùlǎo yào, hòulái tāmen jiù dìngjū rìběn le, Xú Fú tāmen jiùshì rìběnrén de zǔxiān!

You've never heard of ``Xu Fu's Voyage to the East?" That was when Qin Shihuang had Xu Fu take 3000 young men and women to look for an immortality medicine. Afterwards, they settled in Japan. Xu Fu and his crew are the ancestors of the Japanese people.

A 別胡說八道了,那只是傳說!

bié húshuōbādào le, nà zhǐshì chuánshuō!

Stop talking nonsense. That's just a legend!

B 我可沒瞎說,徐福東渡的事情《史記》上都有記載。

wǒ kě méi xiāshuō, Xú Fú dōngdù de shìqing shǐ jì shang dōu yǒu jìzǎi.

I'm actually not just shooting off my mouth. ``Xu Fu's Voyage to the East" is recorded in the Records of the Grand Historian.

A 徐福東渡以前日本就有居民了。

Xú Fú dōngdù yǐqián rìběn jiù yǒu jūmín le.

Even before ``Xu Fu's Voyage to the East," there were people living in Japan.

B 哦,那咱不說這個傳說。日本都有教授說日本人的祖先是雲南人,他們專門去考察了好幾次。後來還有電視臺的去拍過電視,就叫《日本的起源》!

o, nà zán bù shuō zhè ge chuánshuō. rìběn dōu yǒu jiàoshòu shuō rìběn rén de zǔxiān shì yúnnán rén, tā men zhuānmén qù kǎochá le hǎo jǐ cì. hǎo jǐ cì. hòulái hái yǒu diànshìtái de qù pāi guo diànshì, jiù jiào rìběndeqǐyuán !

OK, then we won't just talk about this legend. There are even Japanese professors who say that the ancestors of the Japanese were from Yunnan. They've specifically investigated this issue many times. Afterwards, there was also a TV station that made a show called ``The Origins of the Japanese People!"

A 日本人的起源有很多說法,但沒一個證據充足的。根據基因分析,現代日本人主要有蒙古人種的基因,也有亞洲南部海島人種的基因,還有……

rìběnrén de qǐyuán yǒu hěn duō shuōfa, dàn méi yī ge zhèngjù chōngzú de. gēnjù jīyīn fēnxī, xiàndài rìběnrén zhǔ yào yǒu ménggǔ rénzhǒng de jīyīn, yě yǒu yàzhōu nánbù hǎidǎo rén zhǒng de jīyīn, hái yǒu......

There are all kinds of opinions on the origins of the Japanese people, but none of them has sufficient proof. According to genetic analysis, modern Japanese have some genes from the Mongolian ethnic group, as well as Pacific Islander genes, as well as...

B 哎呀,大小姐,基因分析都搬出來了。

āiyā, dàxiǎojiě, jīyīn fēnxī dōu bān chūlái le .

Whoa, girl, you even brought out genetic analysis!

A 反正日本人的祖先應該是來自各地的移民,有一部分移民來自中國,他們也有本土的原住民。

fǎnzhèng rìběnrén de zǔxiān yīnggāi shì láizì gèdì de yímín, yǒu yībùfèn yímín láizì Zhōngguó, tāmen yě yǒu běntǔ de yuánzhùmín.

Anyway, it seems that the ancestors of the Japanese were immigrants from many places. Some came from China, some were indigenous people.

B 那日語呢?日語裡有多少漢字,什麼平假名片假名的,都是模仿漢字的!

nà rìyǔ ne? rìyǔ lǐ yǒu duōshao hànzì, shénme píng jiǎmíng piàn jiǎmíng de, dōu shì mófǎng hànzì de!

Well, what about the Japanese language, then? There are lots of Chinese characters in Japanese, what with the hiragana and katakana. Those are all imitations of Chinese characters!

A 日語的書寫系統來自漢語,但是語法和發音和漢語很不一樣,根本就屬於不同的語系。

rìyǔ de shūxiěxìtǒng láizì hànyǔ, dànshì yǔfǎ hé fāyīn hé hànyǔ hěnbù yíyàng, gēnběn jiù shǔyú bùtóng de yǔxì.

The Japanese writing system did come from Chinese, but the grammar and pronunciation are very different. They are from completely different language systems.

B 唉,我是個粗人,說不過你!不過日本還有報紙報道中國和日本同種同宗呢!

āi, wǒ shì ge cūrén, shuōbùguò nǐ! bùguò rìběn hái yǒu bàozhǐ bàodào Zhōngguó hé rìběn tóngzhǒngtóngzōng ne!

Oh, I'm just an un-educated hick. There's no way I can win this point. But there were newspapers in Japan that reported that Chinese people and Japanese people have the same roots!

A 同種同宗是有可能的,東亞人本來就有很多相同的特徵。但也說明不了中國人是日本人的祖先呀!

tóngzhǒngtóngzōng shì yǒu kěnéng de, dōngyàrén běnlái jiù yǒu hěnduō xiāngtóng de tèzhēng. dàn yě shuōmíngbùliǎo zhōngguórén shì rìběnrén de zǔxiān yā!

It's very possible that we have a lot in common. There are many distinctive points of similarity among East Asian peoples. But that doesn't mean that the Chinese are the ancestors of the Japanese!

B 算了,不跟你爭了,你到底想買什麼牌子的相機?

suànle, bù gēn nǐ zhēng le, nǐ dàodǐ xiǎngmǎi shénme páizi de xiàngjī?

Oh forget it, I won't keep fighting with you. What kind of camera do you want to buy?

Key Vocabulary

智慧 zhìhuì wisdom

祖宗 zǔzōng ancestor

徐福東渡 Xú Fú dōngdù Xu Fu's journey to the east

秦始皇 Qínshǐhuáng Emperor Qin Shihuang

童男童女 tóngnán tóngnǚ children

長生不老 chángshēngbùlǎo to live forever young

胡說八道 húshuōbādào to talk nonsense

瞎說 xiāshuō to talk nonsense

《史記》 Shǐjì historical records

記載 jìzǎi to document

傳說 chuánshuō legend

起源 qǐyuán origin

人種 rénzhǒng race

海島 hǎidǎo island

移民 yímín migrants

原住民 yuánzhùmín aborigine

平假名 píngjiǎmíng hiragana

片假名 piànjiǎmíng katakana

書寫系統 shūxiě xìtǒng writing system

語系 yǔxì language system

粗人 cūrén unrefined person

同種同宗 tóngzhǒngtóngzōng same race and origin

東亞人 dōngyàrén East Asian person

特徵 tèzhēng characteristic

說明不了 shuōmíngbuliǎo does not explain

Supplementary Vocabulary

誤區 wùqū misconception

混血 hùnxiě mixed blood

演變 yǎnbiàn transformation

記錄 jìlù to document


