

@ 50759 好萊塢大片

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A 週末怎麼過的呢?

zhōumò zěnme guòde ne?

How did you spend your vacation?

B 老三樣:睡覺、逛街、看電影。看了一部《美食總動員》。

lǎosānyàng: shuìjiào, guàngjiē, kàn diànyǐng. kàn le yī bùMěishízǒngdòngyuán .

In my standard three ways-- sleeping, window shopping, and watching movies. I saw ``Ratatouille."

A 這部電影是挺不錯的,不像現在很多3D動畫,只講究技術而沒有內容。

zhè bù diànyǐng shì tǐng bùcuò de, bù xiàng xiànzài hěn duō sān D dònghuà, zhǐ jiǎngjiù jìshù ér méiyǒu nèiróng.

That movie is really good. It's not like a lot of 3D movies these days, that only have technology but no content.

B 嗯,小老鼠的造型太可愛了,還一根筋地想當法國大廚,最後終於美夢成真了。不僅情節有趣,許多對白也發人深思。風景和音樂也非常迷人。

ng4, xiǎolǎoshǔ de zàoxíng tài kěài le, hái yīgēnjīn de xiǎng dāng Fǎguó dàchú, zuìhòu zhōngyú měimèngchéngzhēn le. bùjǐn qíngjié yǒuqù , xǔduō duìbái yě fārénshēnsī. fēngjǐng hé yīnyuè yě fēicháng mírén.

Oh, the little mouse is so cute! He wants so badly to be a French chef, and in the end his beautiful dream comes true. Not only is the plot interesting, a lot of the dialogue makes you think. The scenery and music are also really good.

A 導演布拉德伯德的確名不虛傳。網上說為了製作《美食總動員》,皮克斯公司專門養了不少老鼠來記錄老鼠的每一個動態。甚至收集吃剩的蘋果,來觀察蘋果核隨著時間而發生的變化。憑著這種精神,《美食總動員》裡的每一個細節都做得十分到位。

dǎoyǎn Bùlādé . bódé díquè míngbùxūchuán. wǎngshàng shuō wéile zhìzuòMěishízǒngdòngyuán , píkèsī gōngsī zhuānmén yǎng le bùshǎo lǎoshǔ lái jìlù lǎoshǔ de měiyīge dòngtài . shènzhì shōují chī shèng de píngguǒ, lái guānchá píngguǒhé suízhe shíjiān ér fāshēng de biànhuà. píngzhe zhèzhǒng jīngshén, Měishízǒngdòngyuán lǐ de měiyīge xìjié dōu zuò de shífēn dàowèi .

The director Brad Bird really deserves his fame. On the Internet they said that just to make ``Ratatouille," PIXAR specially a bunch of rats and recorded their every move. They even collected apple peels and observed them to see the changes that would happen to them over time. In that spirit, every detail in ``Ratatouille" is done extremely well.

B 好萊塢的許多動畫片都很值得一看,今年上映的《變形金剛》、《怪物史萊克3》和《辛普森一家》可以說是部部精彩。

hǎoláiwū de xǔduō dònghuà piàn dōu hěn zhídéyīkàn, jīnnián shàngyìng deBiànxíngjīngāng, Guàiwù shǐláikè sānXīnpǔsēnyījiā kěyǐ shuō shì bù bù jīngcǎi.

Many Hollywood animations are worth watching. This year's ``Transformers," ``Shrek 3" and ``The Simpsons Movie" are all exciting.

A 不光動畫片吸引眼球,我最近還看了《諜影重重3》,很過癮呢。

bùguāng dònghuà piàn xīyǐn yǎnqiú , wǒ zuìjìn hái kànle Diéyǐngchóngchóng sǎn, hěn guòyǐn ne.

Animated films aren't the only interesting ones. Recently I saw ``The Bourne Supremacy." It was really fascinating.

B 是嗎?我看了預告片,不過我不太喜歡動作片,打打殺殺的,弄得人神經緊張。

shì ma? wǒ kànle yùgàopiàn, bùguò wǒ bù tài xǐhuan dòng zuò piàn , dǎdǎshāshā de, nòng de rén shénjīng jǐnzhāng.

Really? I saw the trailer, but I don't like action movies with a lot of fighting and killing. They get you too worked up.

A 但是看那些打鬥場面感覺太爽了。伯恩對付敵人招招擊中要害,往往在幾秒鐘內便將多個對手打得落花流水。而且《諜3》有很強的帶入感,看著看著觀眾就以為自己是大英雄伯恩。

dànshì kàn nàxiē dǎdòu chǎngmiàn gǎnjué tài shuǎng le. bóēn duìfu dírén zhāozhāo jī zhòng yàohài, wǎngwǎng zài jǐmiǎozhōng nèi biàn jiāng duōge duìshǒu dǎ de luòhuāliúshuǐ. érqiěDiésānyǒu hěn qiáng de dàirù gǎn, kànzhe kànzhe guānzhòng jiù yǐwéi zìjǐ shì dà yīngxióng bó ēn .

But it feels so cool to watch the fight scenes. When Jason Bourne beckons to his enemies, in a few seconds he's going to beat the tar out of them. And ``The Bourne Supremacy" really pulls people in. Watching it, the audience feels like they are actually Jason Bourne.

B 和《諜3》同步上映的《虎膽龍威4》我倒是看了。硬漢布魯斯威利斯有點老了,混血美女Maggie Q可是太驚豔了。

Diésāntóngbù shàngyìng deHǔdǎnlóngwēisìwǒ dàoshi kànle . yìnghàn Bùlǔsī . Wēilìsī yǒudiǎn lǎo le, hùnxiě měinǚ Maggie Q kěshì tài jīngyàn le.

I've seen ``Die Hard 4," which came out at the same time as ``Bourne 3." That tough guy Bruce Willis is a little old, but mixed-blood beauty Maggie Q is really too sexy!

A 據說《諜影重重3》和《虎膽龍威4》在北美上映時,都曾穩居票房榜首,但在中國卻因為遭遇《色,戒》而暗淡了不少。

jùshuōDiéyǐngchóngchóng sānHǔdǎnlóngwēi sìzài běiměi shàngyìng shí, dōu céng wěnjū piàofáng bǎngshǒu , dàn zài Zhōngguó què yīnwèi zāoyùSè jièér àndàn le bùshǎo.

I heard that when ``The Bourne Supremacy" and ``Die Hard 4" came out in North America, they were firmly at the top of the box office charts. But in China they were not as well received because ``Lust, Caution" was also released.

B 呵呵。《色,戒》一看片名就讓人想入非非。

hēhē. Sè jièyī kàn piànmíng jiù ràngrén xiǎngrùfēifēi .

Ha-ha. One look at the title of ``Lust, Caution" and your imagination runs wild.

A 可惜國內版只有戒,沒有色。

kěxī guónèi bǎn zhǐyǒu jiè, méiyǒu sè.

But the domestic Chinese version only has Caution, not Lust.

Key Vocabulary

老三樣 lǎosānyàng the usual

3D動畫 sān D dònghuà 3D animation

一根筋 yīgēnjīn inflexible

發人深思 fārénshēnsī thought-provoking

名不虛傳 míngbùxūchuán live up to somethings reputation

到位 dàowèi proper

擊中 jī zhòng to hit a target

要害 yàohài vital part

落花流水 luòhuāliúshuǐ to lose badly

硬漢 yìnghàn tough guy

驚豔 jīngyàn mesmerized

穩居 wěnjū to be in a secure position in rank

票房 piàofáng box office

榜首 bǎngshǒu first place

想入非非 xiǎngrùfēifēi to engage in wild fantasy

Supplementary Vocabulary

發人深省 fārénshēnxǐng thought-provoking

名副其實 míngfùqíshí true to reputation

名不副實 míngbùfùshí inconsistent with somethings reputation


