

@ 50653 紅樓夢的吸引力

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A 你說為什麼這麼多人都有紅樓情結?

nǐ shuō wèishénme zhème duō rén dōu yǒu Hónglóu qíngjié?

Say, why are so many people obsessed with ``The Dream of the Red Mansion?"

B 每個人都有自己的原因吧。不過我覺得最重要的是《紅樓夢》的內容和含義特別豐富。它完全是一部百科全書。曹雪芹把封建禮教、愛恨情仇、哲學、宗教、經濟、文化,乃至服裝飲食等都融入一部作品。再加上他的文筆細如牛毛,伏筆千里。自然就寫成了這部中國古典文學的巔峰之作。

měigerén dōu yǒu zìjǐ de yuányīn ba. bùguò wǒ juéde zuì zhòngyào de shìHónglóumèngde nèiróng hé hányì tèbié fēngfù. tā wánquán shì yī bù bǎikēquánshū. Cáo Xuěqín bǎ fēngjiànlǐjiào, àihènqíngchóu, zhéxué, zōngjiào, jīngjì, wénhuà, nǎizhì fúzhuāng yǐnshí děng dōu róngrù yī bù zuòpǐn. zài jiāshang tā de wénbǐ xìrúniúmáo, fúbǐqiānlǐ. zìrán jiù xiěchéng le zhè bù Zhōngguó gǔdiǎn wénxué de diānfēngzhīzuò.

Everyone has their own reasons, I guess. But I think the most important thing is that the content and implications of ``Red Mansion" are extremely rich. It really is an encyclopedia. Cao Xueqin blended feudal rites and rituals, love and hate, philosophy, religion, economics, culture and even clothes and food into a single work. On top of that, his style is delicate and his foreshadowing is masterful. It naturally became the greatest work of Chinese classical literature.

A 是啊,我對曹雪芹真是佩服得五體投地。別看《紅樓夢》的文學成就和思想內涵高深,但是他卻寫得深入淺出,雅俗共賞。不管什麼人,而且不管從哪裡開始看,都能一下子被吸引住。

shì a, wǒ duì Cáo Xuěqín zhēnshì pèifú de wǔtǐtóudì. biékànHónglóumèngde wénxué chéngjiù hé sīxiǎng nèihán gāoshēn, dànshì tā què xiě de shēnrùqiǎnchū, yǎsúgòngshǎng. bùguǎn shénme rén, érqiě bùguǎn cóng nǎli kāishǐ kàn, dōu néng yīxiàzi bèi xīyǐn zhù.

That's right. I really admire Cao Xueqin. Don't even look at the literary accomplishments and philosophical content of ``Red Mansion." He also writes in a way that explains profound things in simple terms, that high- and low-brow audiences can both enjoy. It doesn't matter what kind of person you are, or where you start to read, you will be sucked in in no time flat.

B 對啊,我就是從小時候開始看的。雖然那時體會不到作品的思想內涵,但裡面的食物單看描寫,就讓我饞得直流口水。一道燒茄子,就有那麼多工序,肯定很好吃。好像說《紅樓夢》裡描寫到的菜品就有幾百種。他們真有口福。

duì a, wǒ jiùshì cóng xiǎoshíhou kāishǐ kàn de. suīrán nàshí tǐhuì bu dào zuòpǐn de sīxiǎng nèihán, dàn lǐmiàn de shíwù dānkàn miáoxiě, jiù ràng wǒ chán de zhí liú kǒushuǐ. yī dào shāoqiézi, jiù yǒu nàme duō gōngxù, kěndìng hěn hǎochī. hǎoxiàng shuōHónglóumènglǐ miáoxiě dào de càipǐn jiù yǒu jǐbǎi zhǒng. tāmen zhēn yǒu kǒufú.

That's for sure. I started reading it when I was very young. Although at that age I wasn't able to experience the philosophical content of the work, just looking at the descriptions of the food made my mouth water with greed. There were so many steps in making roast eggplant. It must have been delicious. It seems like people say that the ``Red Mansion" describes hundreds of kinds of food. They were lucky, being able to eat so well.

A 我看,簡直是奢侈。那麼大一家子,幾百號人,就算再有錢,也要被吃窮。果然,最後衰敗了。

wǒ kàn, jiǎnzhí shì shēchǐ. nàme dà yījiāzi, jǐbǎi hào rén, jiùsuàn zài yǒu qián, yě yào bèi chīqióng. guǒrán, zuìhòu shuāibài le.

The way I see it, it's simply decadent. Such a huge family, with a few hundred people. No matter how rich they were, they'd be eaten out of house and home. And as expected, in the end they decline and fall.

B 大喜大悲的情節也是《紅樓夢》的一大魅力。不管是賈寶玉和林黛玉的愛情,還是大觀園裡的勾心鬥角,直到最後家破人亡,不得不讓人感嘆命運弄人啊。

dàxǐdàbēi de qíngjié yě shìHónglóumèngde yī dà mèilì. bùguǎn shì Jiǎ Bǎoyù hé Lín Dàiyù de àiqíng, háishì dàguānyuán lǐ de gōuxīndòujiǎo, zhídào zuìhòu jiāpòrénwáng, bùdébù ràngrén gǎntàn mìngyùnnòngrén a.

A plot full of great happiness and great tragedy is a big part of the appeal of ``Red Mansion." It doesn't matter if it's the love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, or the jockeying for position in the Pavilion of the Grand View, all the way until the family dies off-- it's impossible not to sigh deeply at the way destiny plays with us.

A 所以主人公姓賈嘛。曹雪芹就是通過絕妙的隱喻揭示人生哲理。書裡好多人的名字都是這樣。好多諧音都有特殊的含義,或諷刺,或感嘆,這也是紅樓夢的藝術之一。 不過我覺得《紅樓夢》最精妙的一點是將深奧的喻意和日常生活完美融合在了一起。所以,雖然是古典名著,但是讀起來一點都沒有距離感。

suǒyǐ zhǔréngōng xìng Jiǎ ma. Cáo Xuěqín jiùshì tōngguò juémiào de yǐnyù jiēshì rénshēng zhélǐ. shū lǐ hǎo duō rén de míngzi dōu shì zhèyàng. hǎo duō xiéyīn dōu yǒu tèshū de hányì, huò fěngcì, huò gǎntàn, zhè yě shì Hónglóumèng de yìshù zhīyī. bùguò wǒ juédeHónglóumèngzuì jīngmiào de yīdiǎn shì jiāng shēnào de yùyì hé rìcháng shēnghuó wánměi rónghé zài le yīqǐ. suǒyǐ, suīrán shì gǔdiǎn míngzhù, dànshì dúqǐlai yīdiǎn dōu méiyǒu jùlígǎn.

So the main character's surname means ``to do business." Cao Xueqin used all kinds of wonderful little metaphors to hint at his philosophy of life. A lot of characters' names are like that. A lot of homophones have special meanings-- some are parodies, some are exclamations. That's another of the techniques of the ``Red Mansion."

B 嗯,裡面的兒女情長,還有幽默情節都讓人一讀鍾情。

ng4, lǐmiàn de érnǚqíngcháng, háiyǒu yōumò qíngjié dōu ràngrén yīdúzhōngqíng.

But I think the most exquisite part of the ``Red Mansion" is the way it perfectly blends profound metaphors with daily life.

A 你說曹雪芹怎麼能寫出那麼多活靈活現的角色呢?裡面的金陵十二釵,個個都有自己的個性和特點。

nǐ shuō Cáo Xuěqín zěnme néng xiěchū nàme duō huólínghuóxiàn de juésè ne? lǐmiàn de JīnLíng shí èr chāi, gègè dōu yǒu zìjǐ de gèxìng hé tèdiǎn.

So, even though it's a classical work, it doesn't seem at all abstract when you read it.

B 不是有好多紅學學者說《紅樓夢》的原型是曹雪芹自己家的故事嗎?而且還一直爭論不休呢。

bù shì yǒu hǎo duō Hóngxué xuézhě shuōHónglóumèngde yuánxíng shì Cáo Xuěqín zìjǐ jiā de gùshi ma? érqiě hái yīzhí zhēnglùnbùxiū ne.

Ah, the love stories between the boys and girls, as well as the humorous plot, make you fall in love during your first reading.

A 紅樓裡實在有太多解不開的謎了。難怪它會成為文化熱點。你看現在學界有那麼多研究紅樓的學者,著作也一部接一部地出。連電視劇都是全民關注的焦點。

Hónglóu lǐ shízài yǒu tài duō jiě bu kāi de mí le. nánguài tā huì chéngwéi wénhuà rèdiǎn. nǐ kàn xiànzài xuéjiè yǒu nàme duō yánjiū Hónglóu de xuézhě, zhùzuò yě yī bù jiē yī bù de chū. lián diànshìjù dōu shì quánmín guānzhù de jiāodiǎn.

Tell me, how could Cao Xueqin write so many vivid characters? The twelve ``Jinling Hairpins" each have their own character and traits.

B 所以大家都說,一部書養活了一群人。哎,對了,你最喜歡小說裡哪個人物?

suǒyǐ dàjiā dōu shuō, yī bù shū yǎnghuó le yīqúnrén. āi, duìle, nǐ zuì xǐhuan xiǎoshuō lǐ nǎge rénwù?

Don't a lot of Mansionologists say that ``Red Mansion" is based on Cao Yueqin's own family story? And this has always been a much-contested point.

A 還真難說。曹雪芹把每個人物都刻畫得惟妙惟肖的,而且每個人身上都有可愛和可憎的一面。比如寶玉,我喜歡他的天真,重感情,但是又討厭他的懦弱,濫情。

hái zhēn nánshuō. Cáo Xuěqín bǎ měige rénwù dōu kèhuà de wéimiàowéixiào de, érqiě měigerén shēnshàng dōu yǒu kěài hé kězēng de yīmiàn. bǐrú Bǎo Yù, wǒ xǐhuan tā de tiānzhēn, zhòng gǎnqíng, dànshì yòu tǎoyàn tā de nuòruò, lànqíng.

There are just too many unsolveable riddles in ``Red Mansion." No wonder it has become a hot topic in the culture. Look at the current academic world: there are so many scholars who study the ``Red Mansion." And writings about it come out one after another. Even TV programs about it are followed with great attention by everyone.

B 你說得太對了。就拿我來說,有時我覺得林黛玉特別多愁善感,有時又覺得她是一個性格很剛烈的女子。總之,很難用一句話說清一個人物的特點,也很難用喜歡或不喜歡來說明人物在我們心中的感覺。

nǐ shuō de tài duìle. jiù ná wǒ láishuō, yǒushí wǒ juéde Lín Dàiyù tèbié duōchóushàngǎn, yǒushí yòu juéde tā shì yī ge xìnggé hěn gāngliè de nǚzǐ. zǒngzhī, hěn nán yòng yījùhuà shuōqīng yī ge rénwù de tèdiǎn, yě hěn nán yòng xǐhuan huò bù xǐhuan lái shuōmíng rénwù zài wǒmen xīnzhōng de gǎnjué.

So everyone says, ``one book has made a livelihood for a ton of people." Oh, right, which character in the book do you like the best?

A 對啊。你看,我們說起《紅樓夢》根本不像是在說虛構的小說。反倒是像在考證歷史,甚至是像在說自己認識的人。

duì a. nǐ kàn, wǒmen shuōqǐHónglóumènggēnběn bù xiàng shì zài shuō xūgòu de xiǎoshuō. fǎndàoshì xiàng zài kǎozhèng lìshǐ, shènzhì shì xiàng zài shuō zìjǐ rènshi de rén.

It's really hard to say. Cao Xueqin depicts each character to perfection. And each person has lovable and loathsome parts. For example Baoyu. I like his innocence and deep emotion, but I can't stand his cowardice and womanizing.

B 嗯,反正想要了解世間百態,讀它就對了。而且還是唯美的文學享受。

ng4, fǎnzhèng xiǎng yào liǎojiě shìjiānbǎitài, dú tā jiù duì le. érqiě hái shì wéiměi de wénxué xiǎngshòu.

You're exactly right. For my own part, sometimes I feel like Lin Daiyu is really sentimental. And sometimes, I feel like she's one very tough broad. In summary, it's really hard to summarize a person's traits in a single phrase. And it's very hard explain our feelings toward a person only in terms of ``like" and ``dislike."

That's right. Look, the way we were talking about ``Red Mansion," it's not at all like a fake story. On the contrary, it's like doing real research on historical texts, to the point where it seems like we're talking about people we know.

Key Vocabulary

情結 qíngjié complex feeling or sentiment

封建禮教 fēngjiànlǐjiào feudal code of ethics

愛恨情仇 àihènqíngchóu love, hate, passion, and revenge

細如牛毛 xìrúniúmáo fine as ox hair

伏筆千里 fúbǐqiānlǐ foreshadowing

五體投地 wǔtǐtóudì to deeply admire

深入淺出 shēnrùqiǎnchū to explain complicated matters simply

雅俗共賞 yǎsúgòngshǎng appropriate for elegant and vulgar tastes

勾心鬥角 gōuxīndòujiǎo to compete for a position

家破人亡 jiāpòrénwáng a family is broken and scattered

命運弄人 mìngyùnnòngrén fate toys with people

隱喻 yǐnyù metaphor

兒女情長 érnǚqíngcháng love between a man and woman

活靈活現 huólínghuóxiàn vivid

爭論不休 zhēnglùnbùxiū to argue unceasingly

惟妙惟肖 wéimiàowéixiào extremely true to life

濫情 lànqíng excessive emotion

多愁善感 duōchóushàngǎn to be sentimental

世間百態 shìjiānbǎitài there are all types of situations on this earth

Supplementary Vocabulary

錯綜複雜 cuòzōngfùzá intricate

栩栩如生 xǔxǔrúshēng life-like


