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A 哎,最近日子不好過啊!

āi, zuìjìn rìzi bù hǎo guò a!

(Sigh) Lately things have not been going well.

B 是離婚的事嗎?

shì líhūn de shì ma?

Is it your divorce?

A 對啊,真傷腦筋。只怪我當時被愛情衝昏了頭,什麼都沒考慮清楚就結婚了。你談戀愛的時候可一定要理智!

duì a, zhēn shāng nǎojīn . zhǐ guài wǒ dāngshí bèi àiqíng chōnghūn le tóu, shénme dōu méi kǎolǜ qīngchu jiù jiéhūn le. nǐ tán liànài de shíhou kě yīdìng yào lǐzhì!

That's right. I'm really at a loss. I only have myself to blame for being muddleheaded by love. I hadn't thought anything over clearly and just went and got married. When you are dating you definitely need to be rational.

B 放心吧。對了,你們是協議離婚還是法院判的?

fàngxīn ba. duì le, nǐmen shì xiéyì líhūn háishi fǎyuàn pàn de?

Don't worry. Oh, did you get a consensual divorce, or was it a contested divorce?

A 法院判的。婚後財產一人一半。房子賣掉的錢也是平分。其實這房子大部分的錢都是我出的。不過,算了,我是沒精力再爭了。

fǎyuàn pàn de. hūnhòu cáichǎn yī rén yībàn. fángzi màidiào de qián yě shì píngfēn. qíshí zhè fángzi dàbùfen de qián dōu shì wǒ chū de. bùguò, suàn le, wǒ shì méi jīnglì zài zhēng le.

It was contested. The property acquired during the marriage was split half and half. The proceeds from the sale of our house were also divided equally. Actually, I put in the majority of the money for the house. But, never mind. I don't have the energy to fight anymore.

B 那你們的孩子呢?跟誰?

nà nǐmen de háizi ne? gēn shéi?

So, what about your child? Who got him?

A 這才是最頭疼的問題。他還小,我們沒離婚的時候老吵架,他已經受了很大影響。更別提離婚了。我們兩個又都想要孩子,畢竟是自己的心頭肉啊!誰也不願意妥協,所以離婚官司才拖了這麼久。

zhè cái shì zuì tóuténg de wèntí. tā hái xiǎo, wǒmen méi líhūn de shíhou lǎo chǎojià, tā yǐjīng shòu le hěn dà yǐngxiǎng. gèng biétí líhūn le. wǒmen liǎng ge yòu dōu xiǎng yào háizi, bìjìng shì zìjǐ de xīntóuròu a! shéi yě bù yuànyì tuǒxié, suǒyǐ líhūn guānsi cái tuō le zhème jiǔ.

This was the biggest headache. He is still little. Before the divorce we were always arguing; he has already been affected a lot. Not to mention the divorce. Both of us of course want our child--after all he's our own flesh and blood. Neither of us were willing to compromise, so as a consequence our divorce dragged out a long time.

B 那法院最後怎麼判呢?

nà fǎyuàn zuìhòu zěnme pàn ne?

So, how did the court rule in the end?

A 撫養權歸她。我每個月付撫養費,直到孩子成人。數額根據他的成長、生活情況來調整。其實我這麼辛苦賺錢,不就是想讓孩子過得舒服點、接受更好的教育嗎?

fǔyǎng quán guī tā. wǒ měi ge yuè fù fǔyǎng fèi, zhídào háizi chéngrén. shùé gēnjù tā de chéngzhǎng, shēnghuó qíngkuàng lái tiáozhěng. qíshí wǒ zhème xīnkǔ zhuànqián, bù jiùshì xiǎng ràng háizi guò de shūfu diǎn, jiēshòu gèng hǎo de jiàoyù ma?

Custody was given to her. Every month I pay child support, and will do so until our child is an adult. The amount is set according to his age, and adjusted according to his life circumstances. Actually, I am working so hard to earn money precisely because I want to give my child a comfortable life, and get a better education.

B 那探視權呢?

nà tànshì quán ne?

What about visitation rights?

A 這是我們自己商定的。我想孩子或者孩子想我的時候都可以見面。

zhè shì wǒmen zìjǐ shāngdìng de. wǒ xiǎng háizi huòzhě háizi xiǎng wǒ de shíhou dōu kěyǐ jiànmiàn.

We set this ourselves. When I miss our child, or he misses me, we can see each other.

B 那就好。你這麼疼他,如果一週只能見一次,一定想死了。哎,中國法院是不是傾向把孩子判給媽媽?

nà jiù hǎo. nǐ zhème téng tā, rúguǒ yī zhōu zhǐnéng jiàn yī cì, yīdìng xiǎng sǐ le. āi, Zhōngguó fǎyuàn shì bu shì qīngxiàng bǎ háizi pàn gěi māma?

Well, that's good. You love him so much--if you could only see him once a week, you would miss him so much. Oh, are Chinese courts more inclined to award the child to the mother?

A 這還是要看具體情況的。比如我,雖然情感和經濟上都符合要求,但是工作太忙了,沒辦法照顧他。所以法院最後判給他媽媽了。

zhè hái shì yào kàn jùtǐ qíngkuàng de. bǐrú wǒ, suīrán qínggǎn hé jīngjì shang dōu fúhé yāoqiú, dànshì gōngzuò tài máng le, méi bànfǎ zhàogu tā. suǒyǐ fǎyuàn zuìhòu pàn gěi tā māma le.

That depends on the specific circumstances. Take me for example--although I conform to the emotional and financial requirements, because I am busy at work, I have no way to look after him. So in the end, the court awarded custody to his mother.

B 這樣也好。只要你兒子知道你疼他就行。

zhèyàng yě hǎo. zhǐyào nǐ érzi zhīdào nǐ téng tā jiù xíng.

That's good too. As long as your son knows you love him it's all right.

A 但願吧。

dànyuàn ba.

I hope so.

Key Vocabulary

傷腦筋 shāng nǎojīn

理智 lǐzhì

協議 xiéyì


心頭肉 xīntóuròu

妥協 tuǒxié

調整 tiáozhěng

探視 tànshì

商定 shāngdìng

傾向 qīngxiàng

官司 guānsi

撫養權 fǔyǎng quán

撫養費 fǔyǎng fèi

探視權 tànshì quán

Supplementary Vocabulary

監護權 jiānhù quán

贍養費 shànyǎng fèi

打官司 dǎ guānsi

勝訴 shèngsù

敗訴 bàisù


