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A: 徐先生、徐太太要在美國買房子,波士頓是最好



xia¯ nsheng, Xu´

ta`itai ya`o za`i Meˇiguo´

maˇi fa´ngzi, Bo¯ sh`ı-

du`n sh`ı zu`ı haˇo de d`ıfang.

Mr. Xu, if you and Mrs. Xu want to buy a house in America, Boston is the best place.

B: 哪些地方好啊?你說說看。


d`ıfang haˇo a? nˇı shuo¯

shuo ka`n.

What’s so good about it?

A: 這可是美國最有文化的城市。哈佛、麻省理工都




sh`ı Meˇiguo´

zu`ı yoˇu we´nhua`

de che´ngsh`ı. Ha¯ fo´, Ma´-

sheˇnglˇıgo¯ ng do¯ u za`i zhe`r. du`ı ha´izi de jia`oyu` haˇo!

It’s the American city with the most culture! Harvard and

M.I.T. are here. It’ll be great for your child’s education!

B: 我做夢都想讓兒子進哈佛!

woˇ zuo`me`ng do¯ u xiaˇng ra`ng e´rzi j`ın Ha¯ fo´!

I dream of having my kid get into Harvard!

C: 小趙,波士頓治安怎麼樣?

Xiaˇo Zha`o, Bo¯ sh`ıdu`n zh`ı a¯ n zeˇnmeya`ng?

Xiao Zhao, how safe is Boston?

A: 徐太太,你放心,我帶你們看的是富入區,很安



ta`itai, nˇı fa`ngx¯ın, woˇ

da`i nˇımen ka`n de sh`ı fu`re´nqu¯ , heˇn

a¯ nqua´n de.

Don’t worry, Mrs. Xu. I’m going to take you to a rich area. It’s very safe.

B: 前面是什麼?

qia´nmian sh`ı she´nme?

What’s in front of it?

A: 噢,是波士頓紅襪隊的主場。

o, sh`ı Bo¯ sh`ıdu`n ho´ngwa`du`ı de zhuˇchaˇng.

Oh, that’s the Boston Red Sox’ home field.

B: 什麼隊?

she´nme du`ı?

What team?

A: 紅襪隊,美國最好的棒球隊!

ho´ngwa`du`ı, Meˇiguo´ zu`ı haˇo de ba`ngqiu´du`ı!

The Red Sox, the best baseball team in America!

B: 老婆,將來可以讓兒子打打棒球。

laˇopo, jia¯ ngla´i keˇyˇı ra`ng e´rzi daˇ da ba`ngqiu´.

Darling, we can take our kid to play baseball.

C: 有什麼好打的?好好讀書進哈佛!

yoˇu she´nme haˇo daˇ

de? haˇoha¯ o du´shu¯

j`ın Ha¯ fo´!

What’s so great about baseball? He needs to study hard and get into Harvard!

---Key Vocabulary---

波士頓 Bo¯ sh`ıdu`n Boston

說說看 shuo¯ shuo ka`n to explain a bit

文化 we´nhua` culture

哈佛 Ha¯ fo´ Harvard

麻省理工 Ma´sheˇnglˇıgo¯ ng Massachusetts Insti-

tute of Technology

教育 jia`oyu` education

治安 zh`ı a¯ n public safety

富入區 fu`re´nqu¯ wealthy area

安全 a¯ nqua´n safe

前面 qia´nmian front

紅襪隊 ho´ngwa`du`ı Boston Red Sox

主場 zhuˇchaˇng home stadium

棒球隊 ba`ngqiu´du`ı baseball team

j`ın to go into

---Supplementary Vocabulary---

球場 qiu´chaˇng ball-field

客場 ke`chaˇng not your home stadium

山區 sha¯ nqu¯ mountainous region

市區 sh`ıqu¯ downtown

貧民窟 p´ınm´ınku¯ slum


