

@ 31010 Rome


Rome PDF

A: 唉,醒醒!鬥獸場到了。

used as a verbal response to inquiry xǐngxing dòushòuchǎng dào leHey, wake up. We've arrived at the Coliseum!

B: 啊?在哪兒?

ǎ zài nǎr Huh? Where is it?

A: 就在對面。

jiù zài duìmiànRight in front of us!

B: 噢。我還以為在很遠的地方呢,沒想到就在市區。

ō wǒ hái yǐwéi zài hěn yuǎn de dìfang ne méixiǎngdào jiù zài shìqūI thought it would be really far away. I had no idea it was downtown.

A: 所以說羅馬像個露天博物館。

suǒyǐ shuō Luómǎ xiàng ge lùtiān bówùguǎnSo, people say Rome is like an outdoor museum.

B: 可是新樓就在老樓的旁邊。這還挺有意思的。

kěshì xīn lóu jiù zài lǎo lóu de pángbiān zhè hái tǐng yǒu yìsi de

But there are new buildings right beside the old ones. It's really interesting.

A: 我們先去喝杯咖啡吧。

wǒmen xiān qù hē bēi kāfēi ba

Let's go get a cup of coffee first.

B: 好。


A: 羅馬人真悠閒。每天坐在這裡喝喝咖啡,聊聊天。

Luómǎ rén zhēn yōuxián měitiān zuò zài zhèlǐ hēhe kāfēi liáoliao tiān

Romans sure have a relaxing lifestyle, sitting here every day drinking coffee and chatting.

B: 是啊,真會生活。

shì a zhēn huì shēnghuó

That's for sure. They really know how to live.

A: 怪不得好多中國人都到這兒來了。

guàibude hǎo duō Zhōngguó rén dōu dào zhèr lái leIt's no wonder so many Chinese people have come here.

B: 不過他們大多數都是來做生意的。

bùguò tāmen dàduōshù dōu shì lái zuò shēngyi deBut the majority of them come to do business.

A: 對哦!條條大路通羅馬。在這兒肯定能發財!

duì ō tiáotiáo dàlù tōng Luómǎ zài zhèr kěndìng néng fācái True! All roads lead to Rome. You could definitely get rich here!

---Key Vocabulary---

xǐng to wake up

鬥獸場 dòushòuchǎng The Colosseum

對面 duìmiàn right across

以為 yǐwéi to think mistakenly

沒想到 méixiǎngdào to not have realized

市區 shìqū downtown

所以 suǒyǐ therefore

羅馬 Luómǎ Rome

露天 lùtiān outdoor

博物館 bówùguǎn museum

旁邊 pángbiān side

悠閒 yōuxián leisurely

聊聊天 liáoliao tiān to chat

怪不得 guàibude no wonder

大多數 dàduōshù majority

不過 bùguò but

做生意 zuò shēngyi to do business

條條大路通羅馬 tiáotiáo dàlù tōng Luómǎ

all roads lead to Rome

肯定 kěndìng certainly

發財 fācái to get rich

---Supplementary Vocabulary---

意大利 Yìdàlì Italy

羅馬競技場 Luómǎ jìngjìchǎng Roman Coliseum

萬神殿 Wànshéndiàn Pantheon

許願池 Xǔyuànchí Trevi Fountain

羅馬廣場 Luómǎ guǎngchǎng Roman Forum

西斯廷教堂 Xīsītíng jiàotáng Sistine Chapel


