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A: 今天我來考考你的自由聯想。

j¯ıntia¯ n woˇ la´i kaˇokao nˇı de z`ıyo´u lia´nxiaˇng.

Today I’m going to test your free associations.

B: 什麼?



A: 我會說一些詞語,你只要告訴我聯想到什麼就行



hu`ı shuo¯


c´ıyuˇ, nˇı zhˇıya`o ga`osu woˇ

lia´nxiaˇng da`o

she´nme jiu` x´ıng le. ya`o wa´nqua´n fa`ngso¯ ng. xiaˇngda`o she´n-

me jiu`



I’ll say a word, and you just tell me what you associate it with. Relax completely. Just say whatever comes to mind.

B: 好的。

haˇo de.


A: 準備好了嗎?

zhuˇnbe`i haˇo le ma?

Are you ready?

B: 好了。我們開始吧。

haˇo le. woˇmen ka¯ ishˇı ba.

Yes. Let’s start.

A: 包子。

ba¯ ozi.


B: 食堂。我爸爸單位食堂的肉包子最好吃了。小時候,我只要考試成績好,爸爸就會買肉包子獎勵我。

sh´ıta´ng. woˇ ba`ba da¯ nwe`i sh´ıta´ng de ro`u ba¯ ozi zu`ı haˇoch¯ı

le. xiaˇosh´ıho`u, woˇ

zhˇıya`o kaˇosh`ı che´ngj`ı haˇo, ba`ba jiu`


maˇi ro`u ba¯ ozi jiaˇngl`ı woˇ.

Cafeteria. The meat buns at my dad’s work unit cafeteria were the best. When I was little, if I got a good test score, Dad would buy a meat bun to reward me.

A: 你經常吃嗎?

nˇı j¯ıngcha´ng ch¯ı ma?

Did you eat them often?

B: 不是,我成績不好。


sh`ı, woˇ

che´ngj`ı bu`


No, my grades weren’t good.

A: 我們再試一個。廟。

woˇmen za`i sh`ı y¯ı ge. mia`o.

Let’s try another one. Temple.

B: 難聞。我最怕燒香的味道了。真搞不懂為什麼有


na´nwe´n. woˇ

zu`ı pa`

sha¯ oxia¯ ng de we`idao le. zhe¯ n gaˇobu-

doˇng we`ishe´nme yoˇu na`me duo¯

re´n ya`o qu`

qiu´she´n ba`ifo´.

Bad-smelling. The smell of burning incense is the worst. I just don’t get why so many people pray to Buddha for help.

A: 你不相信宗教?

nˇı bu` xia¯ ngx`ın zo¯ ngjia`o?

You don’t believe in religion?

B: 我只相信看得到摸得到的東西,比如包子、錢。


zhˇı xia¯ ngx`ın ka`ndeda`o mo¯ deda`o de do¯ ngxi, bˇıru´

ba¯ ozi,


I only believe in what I can see and touch, like buns and money.

A: 錢會讓你想到什麼?

qia´n hu`ı ra`ng nˇı xiaˇngda`o she´nme?

What does money make you think of?

B: 快樂、悲傷。雖說錢不是萬能的,但沒有錢是萬萬不能的。

kua`ile`, be¯ isha¯ ng. su¯ıshuo¯

qia´n bu`

sh`ı wa`nne´ng de, da`n

me´iyoˇu qia´n sh`ı wa`nwa`n bu`ne´ng de.

Happiness and sorrow. Although money can’t do every- thing, without it you can’t do anything.

A: 紅色呢?會讓你想到什麼?

ho´ngse` ne? hu`ı ra`ng nˇı xiaˇngda`o she´nme?

How about red? What does that make you think of?

B: 鞭炮。

bia¯ npa`o.


A: 藍色呢?

la´nse` ne?

And blue?

B: 藍色?海。不過我不喜歡海。

la´nse`? haˇi. bu`guo`



xˇıhuan haˇi.

Blue? The ocean. But I don’t like the ocean.

A: 好了,我們今天就到這兒。

haˇo le, woˇmen j¯ıntia¯ n jiu` da`o zhe`r.

OK, let’s just stop here today.

B: 完了?我剛進入狀態呢。這樣吧,下次輪到我來


wa´n le? woˇ

ga¯ ng j`ınru`

zhua`ngta`i ne. zhe`ya`ng ba, xia`c`ı lu´n

da`o woˇ la´i kaˇo nˇı.

It’s over? Just when I was getting into it. How about this: next time it’s my turn to test you.

---Key Vocabulary---

自由聯想 z`ıyo´u lia´nxiaˇng free association

放鬆 fa`ngso¯ ng to relax

食堂 sh´ıta´ng cafeteria

獎勵 jiaˇngl`ı to reward

mia`o temple

燒香 sha¯ oxia¯ ng to burn incense

求神拜佛 qiu´she´n ba`ifo´

to appeal to Buddha for help

悲傷 be¯ isha¯ ng sad

萬能 wa`nne´ng all-powerful

萬萬 wa`nwa`n absolutely

狀態 zhua`ngta`i state; condition

---Supplementary Vocabulary---

心理 x¯ınlˇı psychology

心理醫生 x¯ınlˇı y¯ıshe¯ ng psychologist

心理測試 x¯ınlˇı ce`sh`ı psychological test

分析 fe¯ nx¯ı to analyze


