

@ 11126 Can You Use Chopsticks

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Can You Use Chopsticks PDF

A 你會用筷子嗎?

nǐ huì yòng kuàizi ma?

Can you use chopsticks?

B 當然會。你看!

dāngrán huì. nǐ kàn!

Of course I can. Look!

A 哇!真厲害!

wā! zhēn lìhai!

Whoa! That's really awesome!

Key Vocabulary

huì to know how to

yòng to use

筷子 kuàizi chopsticks

當然 dāngrán of course

kàn to look at

zhēn really

厲害 lìhai awesome, cool

wā whoa

Supplementary Vocabulary

dāo knife

叉子 chāzi fork

勺子 sháozi spoon

一雙筷子 yī shuāng kuàizi a pair of chopsticks

chī to eat

好吃 hǎochī tasty

中國菜 Zhōngguó cài Chinese food


