

@ 11035 Catch the Train

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A:   車來了。快點兒!

chē lái le. kuài diǎnr!

The train has arrived. Hurry up.

B:   噢!



A:   快點兒,快點兒!

kuài diǎnr, kuài diǎnr!

Quick, quick!

B:   哎,來不及了!

ai, láibují le!

Oh, there isn't enough time!

Key Vocabulary

chē car

lái to come

kuài quickly

一點兒 yīdiǎnr a little more

來不及 láibují there's not enough time

Supplementary Vocabulary

zǒu to walk

pǎo to run

màn slow

趕車 gǎnchē to hurry for a train or bus

來得及 láidejí there is enough time

火車 huǒchē train

地鐵 dìtiě subway


