

@ 10966 I Want This

I Want This HTML

I Want This PDF

A:   我要這個。

wǒ yào zhè ge.

I want this.

B:   好的。對不起,沒有了。

hǎo de. duìbuqǐ, méiyǒu le.

All right. Sorry, we're out of it.

A:   這個有嗎?

zhè ge yǒu ma?

Do you have this?

B:   有。



Key Vocabulary

wǒ I

yào to want

這個 zhè ge this

好的 hǎo de all right

對不起 duìbuqǐ sorry

沒有 méiyǒu to not have

yǒu to have

Supplementary Vocabulary

那個 nà ge that

什麼 shénme what

好吃 hǎochī delicious

菜單 càidān menu

點菜 diǎncài to order food

餐廳 cāntīng restaurant

服務員 fúwùyuán waiter


