

@ 10663 Something to Do Tomorrow

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A 你明天來嗎?

nǐ míngtiān lái ma?

Are you coming tomorrow?

B 對不起,明天我有事。

duìbuqǐ, míngtiān wǒ yǒushì.

Sorry, I have something to do tomorrow.

A 那,下次吧。

nà, xiàcì ba.

Next time, then.

B 好的。

hǎo de.


Key Vocabulary

明天 míngtiān tomorrow

lái to come

對不起 duìbuqǐ sorry

有事 yǒushì to have something to do

下次 xiàcì next time

好的 hǎo de OK

Supplementary Vocabulary

今晚 jīnwǎn tonight

後天 hòutiān the day after tomorrow

qù to go

沒事 méishì to have nothing to do

máng busy

上次 shàngcì last time

這次 zhècì this time


