

@ 10053 Taxi Conversations Destination

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A 師傅你好。

shīfu nǐhǎo.


B 你要去哪裡?

nǐ yào qù nǎli?

Where do you want to go?

A 我要去王府賓館。

wǒ yào qù Wáng Fǔ bīnguǎn.

I want to go to the Palace Hotel.

B 好的,你想怎麼走?

hǎo de, nǐ xiǎng zěnme zǒu?

OK. How would you like to go?

A 隨便你,走最快的。

suíbiàn nǐ, zǒu zuìkuài de.

It’s up to you. Take the fastest way.

Key Vocabulary

師傅 shīfu master

yào to want

qù to go

哪裡 nǎli where

王府賓館 Wáng Fǔ bīnguǎn Wang Fu hotel

xiǎng would like to

怎麼 zěnme how

zǒu to go

隨便 suíbiàn as you like

Supplementary Vocabulary

地方 dìfang place

地址 dìzhǐ address

jìn near

yuǎn far

màn slow

出發 chūfā to start out

到達 dàodá to reach


